Jonathan’s Position on the Issues


Jonathan’s Priorities

Fiscal responsibilityWork with residents and the Finance Commission to develop sound funding priorities and policies, while remaining nimble given an uncertain economy.  My top three budgeting priorities are:  Public safety, infrastructure and investment in civic life.

Safe Streets and Mobility:  Safe, well-maintained streets for residents of all ages and abilities to walk with a focus on safe routes to school.  Use our adopted Complete Streets Master Plan as a blueprint for planning while making sure street improvements are equitable within a neighborhood and throughout the entire City.

Housing:  Adopt clear and objective development standards to achieve consistency throughout the review process.  Make good faith efforts to meet legal obligations to provide housing for all income levels helping our community thrive.

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Public Safety:  Invest in our first responders to keep us safe, but hold them accountable.  Collaborate with the police and residents to improve the level of services and foster trust.  Establish policies that protect the public and allow our first responders to provide fast, efficient and equitable services.

Parks and City Facilities:  Protect, improve and look for opportunities to expand parks, open spaces and community facilities and programs to meet the needs of all residents including seniors, those with physical limitations, young families and our youth.

Environment and Emergency Preparedness:  Prepare the community for natural and human-made disasters.  Invest in environmental infrastructure and encourage the community to take action to fight climate change

Control litigation:  Avoid litigation when possible and seek efficient solutions when a dispute arises.  Be honest with residents about the benefits and dangers of litigation.  As a lawyer, I know how to evaluate the merits of a lawsuit.

Fair City Processes and Objective Standards:  Follow best government practices to implement objective city ordinances and processes to provide clarity and consistency.  Govern and make decisions consistent with local, state and Federal law.

Local Businesses:  Support, collaborate, and partner with Los Altos’ small business community to protect jobs and to provide needed services for residents.

Leadership and Civil Discourse:  Actively listen to all points of view and be honest about what the City can and cannot do.  Continue to foster Los Altos as a place where people can engage in civic discourse that respects decorum and differing points of view.



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